transruminations with lots of swear words
that dream
Debate Over Trans Athletes Not About "Fairness"
Cited in this essay for the National Organization for Women
Roe V Wade and Bodily Autonomy
Why Pride and Visibility Matters
Let Newburg's Intolerance Be A Warning: It Can Happen Here
Trans Kids Exist: Accept Them For Who They Are
Gender Affirming Health Care: Stop Demonizing and Do the Difficult Learning
privileges i get for looking like a cis white straight guy, a woefully incomplete catalogue
i've been unhoused 3 times in life...
I'm always amused when anyone talks about the "gay agenda" or the "trans agenda" as though we were Marvel supervillains (which, I mean, is awesome). The real estate we occupy in some folks' heads is remarkable, but that little obsession isn't really about queer people. "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks."
I appreciate the immense power bestowed upon us, but I'm afraid our agenda isn't all that complex. We simply want to abscond with children, puppies, freedom, and your Granny's famous cornbread stuffing recipe while unleashing hordes of fabulous robot unicorns that shoot rainbows, glitter and free healthcare from their horns. Simple. Seriously, calm down. Enjoy some personal sketches.
the nature of good and evil, pt 1
transagenda: sketches and ruminations
gun violence in schools